8th Grade Course Selection

8th Grade Course Selection
Posted on 12/21/2022
8th grade course selection info

Dear 8th Grade Parents, Guardians, and Students: 

Eighth grade students are about to embark on the next big step of their educational career. “Course Selection” will take place over the next several weeks in which students will select their courses for ninth grade. Selecting the right courses will help start a solid foundation while building transcripts and resumes for their futures. The New York State graduation requirements are that all ninth grade students take English, Social Studies, Math, Science, and Physical Education. Other courses students are likely to take include World Language, Art, Music and an elective.

There is an attachment included with a letter, planning worksheet, enriched information, and a presentation. Extra copies of information and handouts are on my school counseling website. For enriched courses, there is a process and criteria. Please see the separate handout for more information. Course descriptions, graduation requirements, and high school 4-year plans are located in the current “Program of Studies” booklet on the district website.

I will be giving a presentation to all eighth grade students on Friday, January 27 during their ELA class. Each student will then meet with me about their specific course selections on Friday, February 3 during ELA class. All parents, guardians, and students will also have an opportunity to learn more about the course selection process at the following session - Course Selection Informational Event for Families on Wednesday, January 18 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium.

Please review the "8 go 9 Course Selection Information Packet" and discuss this important process with your child and contact me if you have any questions. 


Adam M. Laycock
Grades 6-8 School Counselor