East Rochester Grades 6-8
Accelerated Math & Science Letter: 2024-2025
Dear MLA Parents, Guardians, and Students:
Attached you will find this wonderful opportunity for our students to take accelerated courses during their middle level grades. This process and criteria is for students who want to take Accelerated Math and/or Science next year during their academic career in 7th and 8th grades. Benefits and goals of the program include:
Courses are designed to be academically rigorous
Studies show that students who take accelerated or enriched courses are more likely to earn a Bachelor’s Degree
To challenge, but not overwhelm students
Encourage students to continue taking Math and Science courses throughout all 4 years of high school
Give students the knowledge they need to be prepared for their post high school goals
To meet the important developmental needs of middle level students
To develop a collaborative and cohesive process by which to place students in a challenging academic program
Encourage a high performing school culture
If a student is currently enrolled in accelerated Math and/or Science, they are not guaranteed recommendation to advance and would still need to submit a request. New students need to put in a request to be considered for accelerated courses next year. Please see the included process, criteria, and form that explains next steps. If your child wishes to take an accelerated course next year, please fill out the included “Student Accelerated Request Form” and return to Mrs. Neal by Friday April 19th.
East Rochester Grades 6-8 Accelerated Process & Criteria: 2024-2025
Complete and return the Student Accelerated Request Form to Mrs. Neal by April 19, 2024.
Staff will meet regarding those requests and the criteria in Late April
Families will be informed by Friday, May 3.
If a student is not recommended, but the parent/guardian wishes to appeal the decision, the student and parent/guardian will submit a statement to the counselor, to be reviewed by staff, including:
Which accelerated course(s) they would like to take
Reasoning and why they should be considered
Date and signature
Statements are due by Friday, May 26th
The parent/guardian, student, principal, and counselor will meet to discuss the statement and criteria to determine the most appropriate placement. A decision will then be made and appropriate documentation will need to be completed and signed.
Meetings will occur through June
Enrollment in accelerated courses will be reviewed on a consistent basis. If a student is not meeting course expectations, a meeting will be held to determine the next best steps.
6 → 7
7 → 8
90% overall class average in Math 6
I-Ready diagnostic scores at or above grade level
Summative assessment average 90%
Other factors that may be considered include attendance, attitude, participation, leadership, and respect
85% overall class average in Accelerated Math 7/8 or 90% in Math 7
I-Ready diagnostic scores at or above grade level
Summative assessment average 90%
Other factors that may be considered include attendance, attitude, participation, leadership, and respect
90% overall class average in Science 6
I-Ready diagnostic scores at or above grade level
Summative assessment average 90%
Other factors that may be considered include attendance, attitude, participation, leadership, and respect
85% overall class average in Accelerated Science 7/8 or 90% in Science 7
I-Ready diagnostic scores at or above grade level
Summative assessment average 90%
Other factors that may be considered include attendance, attitude, participation, leadership, and respect
**All accelerated course availabilities are dependent upon student need, budget, and staffing constraints**
East Rochester Grades 6-8
Student Accelerated Request Form: 2023-2024
Student Name: ________________________________
Please circle the accelerated course(s) you are requesting:
Current 6th Grade
Current 7th Grade
Accelerated Math 7/8
Accelerated Science 7/8
Living Environment
Student Signature: __________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________
(Both signatures required to start process)
Due to Mrs. Neal by Friday April 19
(Staff will then meet to talk about recommendations and families will be updated in May)